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Minor Injuries

Minor Burns

Burns can happen due to many external factors such as scalding water, overexposure to the sun, flames, smoke inhalation, chemicals, or electricity. The burn will cause some level of tissue damage, if a burn is severe, it is important to receive emergency care from your local emergency room or a phone call to 911. Severe burns will look deep; larger than 3 inches or cover the hands, face, feet, groin, any major joint, or buttocks; a burn that causes skin to look dry and leathery; or a burn that appears charred, white, broke, or black. A burn that can be treated at our facility will not require emergency care and will look superficial red that is like sunburn, blisters, pain, and no larger than 3 inches in diameter. For minor burns it will be cooled with a sanitized compress, rings or jewelry and other tight items will be removed from around the area, blisters should not be broken, aloe vera or moisturizing lotion will be applied, the burn will be bandaged with sterile gauze, and pain medication will be prescribed.

Minor Cuts & Stitches

When you cut yourself, it may be tough to figure out when to go to the E.R. vs. an urgent care. If you are bleeding excessively, your cut is spurting out blood, the blood won’t stop after 10 minutes of applied pressure, your laceration is deep on the chest, neck, or abdomen, you have other severe symptoms along with your cut like dizziness or trouble breathing, or if you have a foreign object lodged in the injured area you need to go to the emergency room or call 911. If you have cut that is deeper than usual and you believe you may need stitches than head to an urgent care, one of our skilled professionals will be able to stich your laceration with precision.


An abrasion is a break in the skin caused by rubbing it against a rough surface. It can also be called a scrape or a graze. If you receive the abrasion from sliding across the ground than many times it is road rash which can be very painful! Abrasions are commonly found on elbows, upper extremities, knees, shins, and ankles. Abrasions are rated by degree. First-degree involves superficial damage to the epidermis (the first or most layer of the skin) and they usually don’t bleed, second degree results to damage of both the epidermis and the dermis and they usually bleed. A third-degree abrasion is a severe and is also called avulsion wound. It involves tearing of the skin to a layer deeper than the dermis. An avulsion will bleed heavily and require extensive medical care.


There are tough bands of fibrous tissue called ligaments that connect two bones together at the place of a joint. The most common place for a sprain is the ankle joint. Our medical staff is highly trained and experienced at stabilizing a sprained joint until images can be taken of the affected area to rule out fractures. Treatment of a sprain at home includes the RICE method. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Mild sprains can be easily treated at home but sometime a severe strain can result in torn ligaments that require surgery. Anti-inflammatory medication can be accessed over the counter or one of our medical providers will prescribe patients a stronger anti-inflammatory or pain medication.

Minor Fractures

Closed fractures are a broken bone that has not broken through the skin. If you have suffered a broken bone that has come through the skin, emergency medical attention is required, this is called a compound fracture. There is a large risk for infection if the bone has ruptured the skin and usually requires immediate surgery. Sometimes closed fractures also need surgery for internal stabilization of the fracture, but it is not as urgent as an open fracture. Our healthcare professionals will provide a calming atmosphere in this time of stress. They will access your injury and stabilize it using a flexible cast, boot, sling, or a bandage wrap. There are many factors that will impact the way the area is stabilized. This includes age of the patient, location of the injury, and severity of soreness. We work with you to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Imaging will be taken at facility close by for rapid results and medication appropriate for anti-inflammation will be prescribed.


Whiplash is injury to the neck caused by a sudden movement that causes the head to fly forward and then go back in fast motion. This irregular motion causes neck trauma. It usually happens from a car accident or during a sporting event such as a football tackle. Most people heal from whiplash within a few weeks, but others have lasting symptoms. Symptoms of whiplash include neck discomfort and stiffness, dizziness, fatigue, tingling in the arms, aches in the shoulder/upper back/arms, headaches, loss of range in motion, and increased discomfort with certain movements. In more severe cases of whiplash people may also suffer from blurred vision, depression, memory problems, irritability, difficulty concentrating, sleep issues, and ringing in the ears. To treat you properly our skilled medical staff will first perform a physical evaluation regarding your range in motion, reflexes, strength, and sensation in your limbs, as well as degree of discomfort. Imagining tests such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, may be needed to rule out any serious internal injury. Out treatment goals are to get you back to feeling your best by controlling pain, restoring motion, and getting your back to normal daily activities. This includes an abundance of self-care such as rest, heat or cold compression, OTC medication for pain and inflammation, and possible prescription medications such as muscle relaxers or pain medication. Exercise and physical therapy resources will be included in the discharge paperwork of each patient. Rotating your neck in all directions, rolling your shoulders, bending your head to your chest, and tilting the head from side to side are all great exercises that help loosen up the muscles and relieve stiffness.

Did you know...

some sprains and strains – such as those caused by falling on a foot or twisting a knee – are accidental and difficult to prevent. Others – such as those caused by lifting heavy objects the wrong way – can be prevented with proper training. The National Institutes of Health recommend stretching prior to physical activity, as well as wearing protective equipment during play to prevent sports injuries. It is also important to avoid overuse injuries by taking the time to rest tired and sore muscles.